今治キャンパス獣医保健看護学科では、国際動物保健機関(WOAH, OIE)が求めた獣医関連専門家(VPP)の養成に応えるべく人材育成を行ってきました。早いもので1,2期生が卒業を迎えました。開設3年目からは定員を充足しているので60~70人が入学していますが、1,2年目は少数精鋭でした。2年分の結果が出たので、纏めてみました。丁度60人分くらいになりました。
One World, One Health, One Medicineのキャッチフレーズで、3分野に沿った人材養成を考えてきましたが、ほぼ予定通りに育ってくれたと思います。社会に出てからの活躍を期待しています。
月日のたつ速さに、今更ながら驚いています。獣医学部開設に伴い獣医保健看護学科で「日本に初めての獣医関連専門家(VPP)を養成する」と宣言したことが昨日のような気がします。4年の月日がたち、1期生が卒業を迎えます。予定した通り、One World, One Health, One Medicineの3分野に、ほぼ均等に就職することになりました。
2021年度 獣医保健看護学科1期生、卒業研究要旨集の刊行によせて
2011年、座長を務めていた文部科学省の「獣医学教育の改善・充実に関する調査研究協力者会議」で、ゴールの1つとして、新しい獣医学教育を提案しました。それは、最低72人の専任教員を配備し、新しいコアカリキュラムとアドバンスト科目による獣医学教育(One World, One Health, One Medicineの3分野の学修)により、次世代の獣医師を養成しようというものでした。
岡山理科大学 獣医学部長 吉川泰弘
学科長 大和田一雄
2021年8月1日(日)、2年ぶりの対面オープンキャンパスを開きました。十分な感染症対策をとって無事に終えることが出来ました。教職員・学生さんご苦労様でした。6月の遠隔のオープンキャンパスのスライドを改定しました。できればYou Tubeに載せておきます。
2021年6月6日、2021年度の獣医保健看護学科のオープンキャンパスが開催されました。時節柄Web開催になりました。学部長の挨拶は、これまでのものを改変しました。You Tubeにも載せました。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OCuhp344EM
1の0獣医学危機管理 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbafigjWTrY&t=0s
2の1は生物多様性 https://www.youtube.co/watch?v=PpqoUSV1_BM
2の2は絶滅危惧種 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJnqU3vEY4M
3の1は世界の食料 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U44LZPDtVXc
3の2は畜産業の危機 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7AVr9uEUgo
3の3は水産業の危機 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n364aOanOx0
4の1は実験動物 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veUVcIl4FCk
4の2は科学倫理 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfFz1aP5ngw
4の3はペット展示 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD7bxjhVL5g
5の1はロードキル https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1OOzy5ipBM
5の2は輸入サル類 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGzg7bhlGCA
5の3は共済保険 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2W3uEhns0g
5の4は展示鳥類 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T48LmMsLL60
6の1は安全教育 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2diVWwbNC-E
6の2は評価設定 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnzsuzSWI7Y
6の3はマニュアル https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmtmaQ952xI
6の4はチェック https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3fDMOrsULU
7の1は感染症類型 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozK1nuEidCg
7の2はバイオセーフティ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZALDXLzNTmY
7の3はABSL3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZP6cLAi6eE
7の4は施設災害 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aymm5h8516M
8の1はトランス科学 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6x4EUnvReA
8の2は内外部被曝 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-zx6AzXms8&t=0s
8の3は埋却家畜 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZL9fkRVrWM&t=0s
8の4は汚染物処理 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUld7ji-Prk&t=0s
9の1は生物兵器 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZhByVKzxGA
9の2はバイオテロ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNVFvzt8AMo&t=0s
9の3は中国餃子 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4agaU14Blg&t=0s
10の1はカエルツボカビ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLZgy8Gp8vw
10の2インターフェイス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujo97V95BEI
10の3リスク評価 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoIiq3178LM
10の4管理体制 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhxdcqljrCw&t=0s
11の1BSEとは? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npKTsE9Vy3I
11の2リスク分析 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_QUxJV9Xd0
11の3リスク評価 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-dOMxkEAbE&t=0s
11の4BSE疫学 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrlbj02lJg4&t=0s
12の1 米国カナダ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQLPzjKboe8
12の2 海外牛肉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2aKrbHizqs&t=0s
12の3 国内対策 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m46Ikrjft1E
12の4 リスコミ課題 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxgVjZW0uGI
13の1 口蹄疫とは?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnVJZwUFfwQ
13の2 全群淘汰 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyPkEz6KbQw&t=0s
13の3 宮崎FMD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WayJcTyBQv0&t=0s
13の4 国際的対応 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcdcvp7PyI&t=0s
14の1 WHOの公表 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKOojE0toKc
14の2 ハザード評価 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLvPGd55I6I
14の3 リスクトレードオフ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inpqrmBqtGk
第15回は新型コロナ(COVID-19 )の危機管理対応(フェーズ6)について説明します。
15の1 コロナウイルス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZsWvZ03eEY&t=0s
15の2 COVID‐19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1gxxWmOtl0&t=0s
15の3 国内対応 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaxdxisXCWg&t=0s
15の4 ワクチン https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbTSSLYPdV0
16回の1種を超える https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3jvNJiC4Zg
16回の2センター構想 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryp4svv8p1w
16回の3フェーズ6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QutvdhPsY7U
17回 豚熱の危機管理 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoiXnorXCHA
岡山理科大学獣医学部獣医保険看護学科は世界の獣医学の司令塔であるOIE(国際政府機関:世界動物保健機関)が、提唱した獣医関連専門家(VPP)を養成しようという、日本で唯一の学科です。オープンキャンパス用のわかりやすいYou Tubeがあります。見てください。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxTAMrSM2Qk
You Tubeに載せました。
岡山理科大学獣医保健看護学科:7/8 (88%)、
B大学:13/17 (76%)、
C大学:9/13 (69%)、
D大学:6/10 (60%)、
A大学:8/18 (44%)。
G大学:3/3 (100%)、
I大学:2/2 (100%)、
F大学:3/4 (75%)、
H大学:1/3 (33%)、
J大学:0/2 (0%)、
K大学:0/1 (0%)、
L大学:0/0 (0%)でした。
VPP(獣医関連専門家)って何?高校生の皆さんへ、VPPに関する新しい情報です。是非見てください。楽しいです。岡山理科大学獣医学部には獣医学科の他に獣医関連専門家を養成する獣医保健看護学科があります。VPPは国際的な獣医の司令塔、国際動物保健機関(WOAH, OIE)が世界の獣医学に養成をもとめた、非獣医の獣医関連専門家です。
受験生の皆さん、是非、今治キャンパスの獣医学科と併設されている「獣医保健看護学科」に挑戦してください。この学科は、政府間機関であり獣医の国際的司令塔である国際獣疫事務局(国際動物保健機関:OIE、WOAH)が提唱する、獣医関連専門家(VPP: Veterinary Para- Professional) を養成する学科です。動物看護師だけでなく、ライフサイエンス研究支援者、獣医関連公衆衛生公務員、高度獣医療看護など、全く新しい職域の人材(獣医関連専門家:VPP)を養成する学科です。
Strategy of a newly accredited veterinary school in Japan
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Okayama University of Science has established for the first time in half a century in Japan. It has the following philosophy to respond to domestic and foreign needs. We will do science on both animal and human health. That is "One World, One Health and One Medicine".
We think that veterinary science is made of the three veterinary specialty field as below. Life science that all the creatures on the earth live in "One World". Public veterinary medicine with the idea that not only humans but the health of livestock, the health of wildlife, and the health of the environment is related, that is, "One Health". Medical treatment of animals in which human medicine and veterinary medicine collaborate. Both veterinary and human medicine have the same purpose, system, tool, and goal. That is "One Medicine".
The new veterinary department has four characteristics. The first is that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has the Department of Veterinary Medicine and the Department of Veterinary Health Nursing. At the Department of Veterinary Health Nursing, we will train Veterinary Para Professionals (VPP). In the department of veterinary medicine, an advanced course was established after the end of the core curriculum of veterinary medicine in order to foster human resources in charge of life science research, public veterinary medicine, human animal health care. Likewise, at the Department of Veterinary Health Nursing, we established an advanced course after the end of the core curriculum of veterinary care.
The second is to educate veterinarians and VPPs explicitly by specifying three fields. After completing the core curriculum common to veterinary universities nationwide, we have established three advanced subjects. In the Department of Veterinary Medicine, they are drug discovery / life science research, public veterinary science, and veterinary medicine that cooperates with human medicine. At the Department of Veterinary Health Nursing, they are laboratory animal technology / support, civil servant science and advanced veterinary care nursing.
The third is a new system that separates education from the laboratory system. We abolished the vertically splitting research system so far. Education uses the classroom system as before, but the research is a target project research beyond individual laboratory systems. We will stop individual research laboratories, aim at the world's top class research using a open laboratory.
The fourth, we employed the largest number of full-time faculty members in Japan. There are a total of 87 people, including 75 in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and 12 in the Veterinary Health Nursing.
With this new educational system, we looked at the tide of the world in the veterinary field and want to bring a new breath in Japan.
Various OIE Regional Commissions having requested that our organisation address the issue of the use of private veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals by national Veterinary Services and the conditions under which they may be used in order to comply with the OIE international standards on the quality of Veterinary Services and international certification of animals and their products. In response to these requests, an Ad hoc Group was formed with the following terms of reference:
- to define the functions and responsibilities of private veterinarians and para-professionals in the provision of animal health services; and
- to provide guidelines on the roles, inter-relationships and regulations required to link them with the relevant fields of activities of the Veterinary Services.
The objectives of the Ad hoc Group fall within two of the OIE's missions:
- to improve the transparency of the world animal health situation by setting minimum requirements for effective animal diseases and zoonosis surveillance systems; and
- to improve the safety of international trade in animals and animal products by setting minimum standards underpinning relevant procedures and requirements for export certification, acceptable
to importing countries.
This work is also relevant to the commitment made by the major relevant International Organisations at the Doha ministerial meeting regarding capacity building in developing countries, where
Veterinary Services may be under organisational or financial pressure, to enhance their participation in regional or international trade in animals and their products.
Members of the Ad hoc Group come from the public and private sectors, from Africa, the European Union, South America and South-East Asia.
In its recommendations, the Ad hoc Group accepted that Veterinary Services incorporate private veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals. It has defined a veterinary para-professional as a person who is authorised to carry out certain veterinary tasks with authorisation from a Veterinary Statutory Body, under the responsibility and direction of a registered or licenced veterinarian. Examples of veterinary para-professionals would include veterinary nurses, veterinary technicians, community-based animal health workers, food inspectors, and livestock inspectors. The modified definition of Veterinary Services emphasises the important role of the private sector in the provision of these services, especially regarding animal disease surveillance and reporting, and the implementation of animal disease control measures.
To ensure adherence to ethical codes and standards by veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals, the Ad hoc Group has recommended that a Veterinary Statutory Body be established in each OIE
Member Country. This body will be responsible for the licensing/registration of private veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals, the setting and monitoring of professional standards, and
for discipline. Such a body will play a vital role in maintaining public and international confidence in Veterinary Services.
The Ad hoc Group has recommended that OIE Regional Commissions encourage the harmonisation of the licensing/registration of veterinarians, and eventually that of veterinary para-professionals, on
a regional rather than on a single country basis. The Ad hoc Group has also recommended that Veterinary Services establish links to recognise and regulate transboundary veterinary activities,
including the movement of veterinarians and para-professionals across national borders.
To strengthen animal health and veterinary public health services through improved involvement of private veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals, it was also considered important that
Veterinary Services build formal links with individual veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals. Such links could take the form of contracts for the provision of specific services such as
disease monitoring and surveillance, animal vaccination, food inspection and disease prevention and control.
As field reports of disease outbreaks are a key component of disease surveillance, livestock owners and their sanitary organisations, veterinary para-professionals and private veterinarians have
a vital role to play in the effective surveillance of animal diseases and zoonoses.
The recommendations arising from the meetings of the Ad hoc Group provide a sound basis for including these professional groups in the activities of the Veterinary Services of OIE Member
Countries. This will in turn enhance the transparency of the world animal health situation, improve the safety of international trade in animals and animal products through reliable
certification, and help to provide many countries with greater access to regional and international markets.
The Ad hoc Group's recommendations will be discussed at the OIE General Session in May 2004 and should lead to the adoption of new provisions for the relevant chapters of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code.
Bernard Vallat